Tuesday, July 6 - Making nest boxes

Today, half of the group went to build nestboxes. We were invited to a local carpenter´s workshop. He showed us how to make and assemble the nestboxes. The interesting fact about these nestboxes is that it is made out of reused wood. They are also very tough, they can last for up to 10 years. 90% of these kind of boxes get occupants. We hope that after we install our boxes birds will make their nests in them. After finishing assembling our nestboxes we went in the woods to see actual nestboxes that had been there for quite a while. They seemed in good condition and one of them hangs there for already 10 years and always had occupants. We were very happy of our morning activity and very thankful for the hospitality of the carpenter´s family. His 2 little sons were also there to help us and we saw the amazing paintings of his wife who is an artist. We thank eveybody for this wonderful day.


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