Wednesday, 7 july - visiting Montserrat

Today, after having siesta we went to visit the Montserrat, we took a walk there. We enjoyed it`s perfect views of beautiful mountains and small villages, made a lot of good pictures. Also we visited the Montserrat`s Sanctuary, that is home to the Sanctuary of Our Lady and the Benedictine Monastery, which has, for almost 1.000 years, served all the pilligrims and visitors who come to this unusual mountain.
On our way back we visited the Castellers (life human towers builders). This sport is very complicated even if it looks simple. In fact, many possible constructions are possible. There is a tower wich is a construction including rows of one person. The most popular other ones are the three`s and the four`s wich are respectively made with coloms of 3 and 4 people. This dosen`t mean that these constructions are the only one possible because we also saw on pictures five`s and complex towers. In a nutshell, seeing the practice was for us a real pleasure. Thank you for making us feel previledged.


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